It’s powered by Intel’s latest Kaby Lake-G processors, the Intel Core i5-8305G and Core i7-8705G, both of which include an integrated Radeon RX Vega M GPU for photo editing, video editing and even some light gaming. You’ll be able to choose from a 15.6-inch 1080p or 4K display, as well as up to 16GB of RAM and up to 1TB of storage. Dell claims that the XPS 15 is the smallest and thinnest 2-in-1 of its size at 13.9 x 9.3 x 0.6 inches, or 16 millimeters thin, and it weighs 4.3 pounds. The company is also promising that the battery will last 15 hours on a charge. The XPS 15 also includes a new internal thermal solution, which Dell says will keep the laptop cooler for speedier performance. A stylus will be sold separately and attaches to the base of the laptop with a magnet. We’ll give the XPS 15 a full review when it hits our lab this spring. Photos: Andrew E. Freedman/Laptop Mag
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